Welcome to Bizenko. We believe that the system for moving from education into employment is broken.

This is true at “first-job” / entry level, but also beyond. Having spent nearly 30 years observing the mess, we are determined to offer an improved alternative.

What is so broken that it needs to be improved?

The current system of entry-level job allocation is a bit hit-and-miss. For example, youth unemployment is roughly three times the rate of overall unemployment, only 10% of university graduates secure graduate-level jobs (and the vital commercial induction that goes with them) whilst the remaining 90% are left to try and find any employment, which most likely will not be “graduate-level”. And yet, between 40-50% of each school leaver cohort go to university (at huge cost) thinking three years of academia will establish their career.

Employers typically complain about the level of “work-readiness”  in all students leaving education (school and university). Employers can’t really influence the education system (which doesn’t include commercial skills training) and they don’t have the budget or the commercial incentive to train the entire student body in all areas of skills shortage.

There are “catch-22” situations on both sides. Students often can’t get their dream jobs for lack of commercial awareness, yet they can’t get the commercial awareness without a good job and training. Employers can’t get their desired skillset, yet don’t have the time, budget or incentive to train the whole population.

The “secondary” job market is riddled with problems, most of which make it a painful, time-wasting experience for the job-seekers. The employers don’t think much of it either (judging by the 30 years I’ve been listening to business owners talk candidly!)

We believe this mess needs to be resolved for the mental and economic well-being of us all. If this topic matters to you, please surf the rest of the website.