
Picture of Bizenko founder Nick Palmer

Nick Palmer, founder of Bizenko

“WHY bizenko?”

Bizenko has been created by Nick Palmer, a qualified teacher and experienced business executive, because of a strong belief that there’s a much better way than the status quo to prepare young people for their working lives.

At present it’s very difficult for young people to understand which is their best career decision, because the system forces them to commit to choices before they understand what the implications are for those choices.

That’s unfair, and it’s inefficient!.

There are plenty of statistics to show the impact of this situation on youth unemployment, mental health, employer dissatisfaction at levels of work-readiness and rates of attrition of young people in initial employment.

Nick has been tracking these issues for 29 years, and apart from new technologies to waste a candidate’s time, nothing has improved. For example, now you can write your CV and covering letter online, rather than pen and ink.

Nick wants to make this chaotic system better, for his own children as well as the millions of people who want to secure career traction, but are currently stuck.

Bizenko is designed to reduce the time, cost and hassle it takes for individuals to “learn what’s going on in business”.  As soon as an individual understands what they need to know to fight for their own career interests, they’ll achieve much more than the current system allows.


Nick graduated from the University of Durham (UK) in 1995, with a degree in Ancient History and Archaeology. He then completed a PGCE (teacher training) from the University of Cambridge.

Nick worked for 8 years in a couple of large blue chip organisations, without always knowing what everyone was doing, or if he was really learning anything new (Nick really likes learning new things!)

Frustrated by the lack of “bigger picture” detail, Nick went back to Business school to study for an MBA (Masters of Business Administration).

Nick emerged from business school with a plan to set up his own business. He ran this company for 7 years, and then sold it and was asked to run someone else’s company. After 18 months, Nick sold that company too (with the owner’s blessing!).

At this point, Nick realised that he had eventually reached a position where he knew what’s going on in business. In addition, he realised that he’d seen enough as teacher and employer to be able to identify which training young people missed when preparing for employment.

The result is bizenko!

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