
An Interview with Victor Watson

An interview with Victor Watson. This business man has “been there and done that” in the course of a life in business. Building up a company, defending it from unwelcome predators, developing and launching new products, building successful commercial partnerships……… The chance to eavesdrop on the conversation of such an experienced man is invaluable. Please take advantage!

Victor was the Managing Director of Waddingtons, a very successful printing, games and manufacturing company based in Leeds, Yorkshire (UK). He is now President of Print Yorkshire.

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An Interview with Ray Piggott

Ray Piggott (LLB, CEng, Fiet) has enjoyed a highly successful managerial career in a number of prominent international businesses within the telecommunications, computer and engineering industries. Ray has worked for British companies as well as foreign owned corporations, in a number of different countries around the world. This breadth of experience led Ray to write a book that the Bizenko founders consider to be an essential read for anyone graduating from the British education system. It has taken us a long time to learn some of the lessons Ray spells out in his book. For those with ambitions to progress in any career, this book is invaluable (�We could be contenders� ISBN � 1-85252-526-6 Published by management books).

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